Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Use your vote wisely and after a careful thought- Old post

As time is ticking for the forthcoming general elections, It is high time Tanzanians remembered that the destiney of this country lies on our hands. A better Tanzania depends on our decisions we make today. So when it comes to choosing a President, a Member of Parliament and a councillor, remember Mwalimu Nyerere's words he gave on Broadcast to the Nation on 24, October 1970.

Nyerere reminded Tanzanians that "... We need a Parliament and distric councils which are made up of honest and loyal people"

Nyerere continued "...What qualifications are therefore needed? ...what matters very much is character, intelligency honest, and willigness to learn,"

Let us begin with the end in mind, that is to say let us figure out what kind of Tanzania we wish to see in the next five years, ten years and even twenty years from now. Having figured that we will know if we are to realise the Tanzania we envisage to see, what need to be done, and what kind of leaders will take us there.

Use your vote wisely and after a careful thought.

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