Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Leadership is not a popularity contest - Old post

Going to Ikulu not a popularity contest, Slaa

The Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) presidential candidate Dr Wilbrod Slaa yesterday counseled other presidential hopefuls that going to Ikulu is not a popularity contest, it requires having a clear vision and focusing on it, driving for results, and showing concerns to problems facing the people you are leading.

Dr Slaa made the remarks yesterday in Mbeya city when he was addressing thousands of CHADEMA supporters who attended the climax up of CHADEMA campaigns at Ruanda Nsovwe primary school.

According to Dr Slaa, the country has reached where it is now because of lack of leadership and accountability as many people ascend into power through either nepotism or favour as opposed to merits.

“We have many people in power who found themselves in the post they are holding either because they relate to the bigwigs of this country or to Jakaya Kikwete’s mtandao (Network),” Dr Slaa told the audience at a full packed Ruanda Nsovwe primary schools football pitch.

Citing lack of leadership in the incumbent government Dr Slaa said, the incumbent president is playing double standards particularly on EPA suspects and other suspects booked in the court of law when he stands in public and appeals to people to vote them tomorrow, while he clearly understands and he also understands that Tanzanians understands that those people are facing court charges on corruption and embezzlement of Tanzania tax payers’ money.

“For this country to develop we need a President who is ready to confront reality head on,” Dr Slaa intoned adding that I leave this to you Tanzanians to choose whom you this is seriously willing to bell the cat.

The Sani Abachas of Nigeria, according to Dr Slaa faced the music when the money they rooted from Nigeria and stashed them abroad were frozen by the Nigerian government, Dr Slaa promised that should he be given the mandated to head this country all the stolen money will be returned and procedures on the culprits followed.

He said should his part be entrusted by voters to form the government, CHADEMA will ensure that the rule of law is observed and not people with money to dictate how this country should be run, as is the case now, when with money you can imprison someone as well as with money a hardcore bandit can be acquitted.

“We will give the power to wananchi so that they can hold us to account on what we are doing and what we are supposed to be doing but are not doing,” Dr Slaa said adding that every citizen will be informed and be made capable of holding his leaders to account at all levels of decision making and governance.

Dr Slaa also reiterated his aim of making big changes on the United Republic of Tanzania constitution particularly on presidential powers, engaging citizens on governance of the country and the required number of votes to win the presidency of this country.

Winding up his speech Dr Slaa said his party has intercepted a letter addressed to returning officers in wards, instructing them on how to rig votes and ensure CCM wins.

Dr Slaa said, the content of the letter allegedly signed by Mwanza City Director M W Kabwe, is instructing returning officers at ward level in the city to ensure that they get election clerks who are CCM supporters so that they can rescue the part as the situation both in constituencies and national is not good for the ruling party, so the only solution to ensure that CCM wins is; to eliminate names of most young people who are the ones currently support CHADEMA, delay putting voters names on public/notice boards, having 3-4 ghost voting stations in each ward, delay to announce results, and ensuring that green guards are allowed to fulfill their assigned responsibilities.

However Dr Slaa did not elaborate the responsibilities assigned to CCM’s green guards

On this according to Dr Slaa, they have asked the National Electoral Commission (NEC) Director Rajab Kilavu to disqualify Mr Kabwe from overseeing elections in Mwanza city, as there all signs that he can not be objective/impartial.

“We have communicated with him and we want a response from him by 20.00hrs today (Saturday the 30th of October 2010), if he doesn’t do so we will know what to do,” Dr Slaa told the audience.

He said, Mr Kabwe has failed to deny or agree on whether the signature on the letter is his or not despite efforts to communicate with him by CHADEMA leaders.

Dr Slaa said this trick is obvious going to be used across the country so he appealed to voters to stand vigilant to their votes.

Ends .

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