Friday, May 11, 2012

Obama's gay marriage endorsement could cost him with crucial swing voters



Barack Obama becames the first president of the United States to openly support same sex marriage – declaring unequivocal support for gay marriage in an interview with ABC News.
His surprise endorsement reflects the position being echoed by the Obama administration that the forces of history appear to be changing and the public opinion tide has turned in favor of same-sex marriage – as evidenced by a Gallup survey released last week that showed 50 percent of Americans supporting legalized gay marriage, with just 48 percent opposing it.
To be sure, this announcement was a political move for the Obama  2012 reelection campaign which is now aggressively seeking to use his endorsement to mobilize a major grassroots get-out-the-vote initiative and energize huge swaths of the party’s liberal and progressive base, as well as young people and independent voters, many of whom back gay marriage.
And with the Obama reelection campaign increasingly relying on donations form the gay community in its fundraising efforts, publicly declaring his support for gay marriage hours before he headed to Hollywood Thursday night for a fundraiser at the home of A-list actor George Clooney was a strategic and shrewdly timed move by Mr. Obama.
But it is a move that is also politically problematic – and one that could very well cost him some swing states.
Put simply, the issue of gay marriage remains highly contentious in a number of swing states: a majority of voters in North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and Florida continue to be against same sex marriage.
The state-by-state data from polling conducted by Public Policy Polling show that a majority of voters in key swing-states like Virginia (53%-34%), Florida (53%-37%), North Carolina (61%-31%), Wisconsin (50%-30%) and Ohio (52%-32%) oppose the legalization of gay marriage.
And according to a recent Pew poll, one in three Southern swing voters are strongly opposed to gay marriage.
All of this in light of the fact that ballot measures to legalize gay marriage have been rejected by voters nearly every time over the course of fifteen years by voters in more than 30 states — often by large margins.
Among the 30 states that have constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriages are key battleground swing-states like Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina. These states have a combined 114 electoral votes up for grabs.
In light of these numbers, while yesterday's move may be a political winner for President Obama among his progressive base, it may very well cost him the support of swing voters whose vote will be central to his success in winning reelection.
Douglas E. Schoen is a political strategist, Fox News contributor, author of the new book, “Hopelessly Divided: The New Crisis in American Politics and What it Means for 2012 and Beyond” (Rowman and Littlefield). Follow Doug on Twitter @DouglasESchoen

Source Fox News  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kukosa mwangaza wa jua hatari

 Utafiti uliofanywa hivi karibuni juu ya kupungua kwa nuru ya macho kumeonyesha kua hadi asili mia 90 ya wanafunzi wanaohitimu masomo huathiriwa na tatizo la kuona

Jua muhimu kwa macho
Macho yahitaji kutunzwa
Wataalamu wanasema kua ongezeko hili la kutisha juu ya tatizo la macho limesababishwa na wanafunzi kusoma sana na kukosa mwangaza wa jua.
Wataalamu wameliambia jarida la kiafya la Lancet kua mmoja kati ya wanafunzi watano anaweza kukabiliwa na mapungufu ya macho na hata kupofuka macho.
Kulingana na Professor Ian Morgan wa Chuo Kikuu cha Australian National University, aliyeongoza utafiti huu,asili miaka 20-30% waliwahi kua watu wa kawaida wasiokua na matatizo huko Bara Asia kusini mashariki.
Idadi ya wagonjwa wa maradhi haya ya macho imepanda kutoka asili mia 20 waliopungukiwa na nuru ya kuona na kuzidi asili mia 80 na kuelekea asili mia 90 miongoni mwa vijana na watakapoingia umri wa watu wazima maradhi hayo yataenea zaidi miongoni mwa jamii nzima.Bila shaka hili ni tatizo kubwa la kiafya.
Wataalamu wa masuala ya macho wanasema kua una mapungufu ya macho ikiwa unachotazama hukiona vizuri kutoka umbali wa mita 2 yaani futi sita.
Tatizo hili husababishwa na kurefuka kwa mboni ambako hutokea mtu akiwa na umri mdogo.
Kwa mujibu wa utafiti, tatizo hili husababishwa na masuala kadhaa- kusoma kwa kupindukia na kukosa mwangaza wa jua.
Professor Morgan anasema kua watoto wengi huko Asia ya kusini mashariki hutumia mda mrefu wakisoma shuleni na baadaye kudurusu nyumbani. Hili huwazidishia shinikizo kwenye macho yao, lakini wangeweza kutoka nje kwa mda wa saa mbili hadi tatu ili kurekebisha mapungufu na umuhimu wa mwqangaza inawezekana kulinda afya ya macho yao.
Jicho bandia
Wataalamu wana imani kua aina ya kemikali ijulikanayo kama dopamine ambayo huenda ina mchango katika hili. Kukaaa katika mwangaza wa nje huongeza viwango vya kemikali hii ya dopamine ndani ya jicho na hilo huzuia kurefuka kwa mboni.
Nyenzo za kitamaduni nazo zinachangia. Watoto wengi wa Bara Asia kusini mashariki, hupenda sana kupumzika nyakati za adhuhuri. Kulingana na Professor Morgan tabia hii huwakosesha mwangaza wa jua la mchana ambao ni muhimu katika kuzuia maradhi haya ya kupungua kwa nuru ya macho, myopia.
Pamoja na shinikizo za kutaka kufanikiwa katika elimu na kupangiwa siku kwa watoto, mda ambao mtoto hukaa nje kunufaika kwa mwangaza wa jua unapunguwa. Wasiwasi mkubwa ni idadi ya wanafunzi ambao wanazidi kupatwa na maradhi ya myopia.
Kwa miongo kadhaa wataalamu wameamini kua kuna uhusiano mkubwa wa jeni au urithi kutoka kwa wazazi kuhusiana na hali hii ya ugonjwa wa macho.Ikiaminika kua watu kutoka Uchina,Japan,Korea na nchi nyingine wanaweza kukumbwa na myopia.Lakini utafiti huu unaonyesha mtazamo tofauti.
Hili litahitaji utafiti zaidi lakini la muhimu ni kuwatia moyo watoto watumie mda mwingi nje ya nyumba jua linapochomoza. Huenda likapunguza madhara ya macho.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Majina ya wakuu wa wilaya wapya na vituo vyao

Majina ya wakuu wa wilaya wapya na vituo vyao kama yalivyotangazwa na Mheshimiwa Waziri Mkuu - Mizengo Pinda leo

1. Novatus Makunga Hai
2. Mboni M. Mgaza Mkinga
3. Hanifa M. Selungu Sikonge
4. Christine S. Mndeme Hanang
5. Shaibu I. Ndemanga Mwanga
6. Chrispin T. Meela Rungwe
7. Dr. Nasoro Ali Hamidi Lindi
8. Farida S. Mgomi Masasi
9. Jeremba D. Munasa Arumeru
10. Majid Hemed Mwanga Lushoto
11 Mrisho Gambo Korogwe
12. Elias C. J. Tarimo Kilosa
13. Alfred E. Msovella Kiteto
14. Dkt. Leticia M. Warioba Iringa
15. Dkt. Michael Yunia Kadeghe Mbozi
16. Mrs. Karen Yunus Sengerema
17. Hassan E. Masala Kilombero
18. Bituni A. Msangi Nzega
19. Ephraem Mfingi Mmbaga Liwale
20. Antony J. Mtaka Mvomero
21. Herman Clement Kapufi Same
22. Magareth Esther Malenga Kyela
23. Chande Bakari Nalicho Tunduru
24. Fatuma H. Toufiq Manyoni
25. Seleman Liwowa Kilindi
26. Josephine R. Matiro Makete
27. Gerald J. Guninita Kilolo
28. Senyi S. Ngaga Mbinga
29. Mary Tesha Ukerewe
30. Rodrick Mpogolo Chato
31. Christopher Magala Newala
32. Paza T. Mwamlima Mpanda
33. Richard Mbeho Biharamulo
34. Jacqueline Liana Magu
35. Joshua Mirumbe Bunda
36. Constantine J. Kanyasu Ngara
37. Yahya E. Nawanda Iramba
38. Ulega H. Abadallah Kilwa
39. Paul Mzindakaya Busega (mpya)
40. Festo Kiswaga Nanyumbu
41. Wilman Kapenjama Ndile Mtwara
42. Joseph Joseph Mkirikiti Songea
43. Ponsiano Nyami Tandahimba
44. Elibariki Immanuel Kingu Kisarawe
45. Suleiman O. Kumchaya Tabora
46. Dkt. Charles O. F. Mlingwa Siha
47. Manju Msambya Ikungi (mpya)
48. Omar S. Kwaangw’ Kondoa
49. Venance M. Mwamoto Kibondo
50. Benson Mpesya Kahama
51. Daudi Felix Ntibenda Karatu
52. Ramadhani A. Maneno Kigoma
53. Sauda S. Mtondoo Rufiji
54. Gulamhusein Kifu Mbarali
55. Esterina Kilasi Wanging’ombe (mpya)
56. Subira Mgalu Muheza
57. Martha Umbula Kongwa
58. Rosemary Kirigini Meatu
59. Agness Hokororo Ruangwa
60. Regina Chonjo Nachingwea
61. Ahmed R. Kipozi Bagamoyo
62. Wilson Elisha Nkhambaku Kishapu
63. Amani K. Mwenegoha Bukombe
64. Hafsa M. Mtasiwa Pangani
65. Rosemary Staki Senyamule Ileje
66. Selemani Mzee Selemani Kwimba
67. Lt. Col. Ngemela E. Lubinga Mlele (mpya)
68. Iddi Kimanta Nkasi
69. Muhingo Rweyemamu Handeni
70. Lucy Mayenga Uyui

Source EATV

One Day The Poor Will Have Nothing Left To Eat But The Rich

Caesar's wife must be above suspicion

Stephen M.R. Covey in one his books writes, “There is one thing that is common to every individual, relationship, team, family, organization, nation, economy, and civilization throughout the world-one thing which, if removed will destroy the most powerful government, the most successful business, the most thriving economy, the most influential leadership, the greatest friendship, the strongest character, the deepest love. Guess what is that one thing? That  according to David Neeleman, founder of and C.E.O of United States of America’s JetBlue Airways, stroke at the heart of JetBlue success and growth.
On the other hand, that one thing, if developed and leveraged, that one thing has the potential to create unparalleled success and prosperity in every dimension of life. Yet it is the list understood, most neglected, and ,most underestimated of our time.  What is that one thing? Which according to Abdalla F.M. Abri the Director of a Dar es Salaam based Heavy Commercial Transport and Merchant Company F.M. Abri Limited has led his company to live for more than forty years now. Which Abdalla says it is important in marketing, in church and mosque and all companies that are built to last have earned it. What is it?    
What is that one thing which according to Koh Boon Hwee, Chairman, Singapore’s DBS Bank Ltd. And former Chairman Singapore Airlines, lack of it within an organization saps its energy, fosters a climate of suspicion and second guessing, completely devastates teamwork and replaces it with internal politics of which the end results is low morale and the consequent low standards of performance. Which Covey in his book says, that one thing impacts us 24/7, 365 days a year. It undergirds and affects the quality of every relationship, every communication, every work, every project, every business venture, every effort in which we are engaged. It changes the quality of every present moment and alters the trajectory and outcome of every future moment of lives – both personally and professionally.
Contrary to what many believe that one thing is not some soft, illusive quality that either you have or you don’t ; rather, that one thing is pragmatic, tangible, actionable asset that you can create much faster than you probably think possible. What is that one thing? That one thing if you didn’t know is called trust. Trust is one of the leadership critical competence, absence of trust creates divisiveness and disillusion, trust is like the air we breath without it there is no life. And yet many of us take the air we breath for granted. Trust is an empowering and inspirational tool in all walks of lives. What we heard last week from The Parliament in Dodoma, which has compelled the President to reshuffle the cabinet, throwing others outside,  is what happens when  trust is abused.
The ministers who ware told to go abused trust entrusted to them by Tanzanians.
Last month Members of Parliaments on behalf the wananchi they represent, asked eight ministers to resign or else they would impeach the Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda for laxity. In other words trust on the accused ministers has gone down and hence the consequence.   
The Ministers are; William Geleja (Energy and Mineral), Jumanne Maghembe (Agriculture) he has survived the axe, Omary Nundu (Transport), Hadji Mponda(Health), Cyril Chami (Industries and Trade), George Mkuchika (Local Government) has survived the axel though reshuffled to another ministry, Mustafa Mkulo (Finance) and Ezekiel Maige (Tourism and Natural Resources). The minister ware accused of ineptitude and impropriety.    
This kind of behavior has been going on for quite a long time and hence eroding the trust people have on their government. It is alleged that although opinion polls have not been taken recently, the popularity of the current government is waning due to citizens not being happy with the way how things are being managed in the government. “It is contrary to our expectations, we had huge expectation with the fourth phase government,” said Erik Shimwela from Mbozi District. In other words trust is going down.
According to Shimwela the trust on the government is waning due to embezzlement and mismanagement of public funds by the people entrusted by citizens, and yet no actions are taken by the bosses.
Shimwela says, the situation in the country has not be kind to the majority of Tanzanians, commodity prices has skyrocketed, the gap between the have and have not has widened a great deal. No books in schools while we are told that schools receive capitation grant $10.00  times  the number of students per school, no medicines in hospitals, unemployment is growing and yet we are not hearing plans to mitigate these problems. Our neighbors in Kenya when they saw that inflation was badly affecting their country they formed a strong team of experts to cushion the problem.
“The problem in this country is that we are afraid to face the realities head on even in situations where these realities are presented to us black and white,” said Shimwela adding that, “take for instance mismanagement of subsidized farm inputs meant to support the Kilimo Kwanza philosophy, farmers have complained on how they are sabotaged but no action has been taken by leaders responsible to oversee that. Every year Ministry Departments and Local Governments are a accused of mismanagement of funds by the Controller and Audit General (CAG), but as usual no actions are taken. “One wonders why then does the CAG do the auditing? So what?  
Poverty and Human Development Report 2009, a key output of the government of Tanzania’s poverty monitoring system which provides consolidated analysis of progress towards national development goals as well as discussion on important socio-economic issues affecting the country, puts it very well. “ Economic growth, reduction of poverty and improved quality of life all rely upon fair, effective, and transparent use of Tanzania’s resources. Therefore the success of Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty popularly known as MKUKUTA’s cluster one and two relies on accomplishing the goal of MKUKUTA’s Cluster three- good governance and increased accountability.” reads part of the report. Put it short that Without having an accountable government all the development we are dreaming will be illusions. Accountability increases trust.
The motion to impeach the PM was engineered by CHADEMA’s Zitto Kabwe (MP) and joined by other opposition MPs and few CCM, MPs. However during the discussions all MPs put their ideologies aside and united to speak for their people to make the government more accountable for its actions and omissions. In actual fact they were strengthening the government’s performance and make it put its self in poor people’s shoes.  But what appalled me is when it came to signing the petition those many voices we heard vanished only the courageous ones remained.
Talking about what opposition MPs and those few from the ruling Party have done, calling for resigning of the accused Ministers and their motion being backed by their political parties,  this is in conformity to what our founding father of the nation, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, once said regarding political parties be it in multiparty political system or single party political system , he said, the job of a strong political party is to act as a bridge linking the people to the government they elected, and the government to the people it wishes to serve. The party has to help the people to understand what the government is doing and why? But the party has also to ensure that the government need to stay in close touch with the feelings, the difficulties and the aspirations of the people. Nyerere said this in his greetings to Uganda Peoples Congress Conference (UPC) June 7, 1968 he added, it has to speak for people. And it has to educate the people and help them to see what the government’s action means in terms of their own security and their own future opportunities.
Nyerere said, only a party which is rooted in the hearts of the people, which has its devoted workers in the villages and the towns throughout the country –only such part can tell the government what are the people’s purposes, and whether they are being carried out effectively. Only that party can ensure that government and people work together for the people’s purposes.
According to Nyerere, Parliament is important-Members of Parliament are important are able to represent the people only if they are support by a strong Party consisting of thousands upon thousands of active, intelligent and selfless men and women. Presidents, Ministers, Members of Parliament and so on may get their names written on newspapers, they may appear on television. But if they are good they are good largely because they are backed up by a strong Party, which knows and understands the people’s needs and the people’s feelings. And if such leaders are abusing their positions, or getting out of touch with the people, then it is in large part because the Party is failing to speak up for the people and to act as the people’s watchdogs.
This is a giant lesson to our MPs, that when it comes to public interest they should remember their people back in their constituencies. “The Party Must Speak for People.”
Nyerere concluded that, “ If you doubt about the truth of these words, look around Africa –indeed, around the world-and see what has happened in those states where political parties failed to be, or ceased to be active representatives of, and the spokesmen for the people…”          
The moment a Party stops speaking for people it can be sure that it will lose trust from the people and that soon or later it will find itself speeding towards the endangered species list. So it is high time people’s feelings, interests and sufferings override our decisions in the Parliament, and most important in our political parties. The Party Must Speak for People.
That is why I hail my beloved President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete for listening to his citizens and ejecting those accused. “Caesar's wife must be above suspicion”.  The ancient Roman Julius Caesar is quoted to have said when asked why he divorced his wife, Pompeia. Because she was suspected of some wrongdoing, he could not associate with her anymore.
Public figures must not even be suspected of wrongdoing as Caesar's wife must be above suspicion. This is the power of trust .

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Use your vote wisely and after a careful thought- Old post

As time is ticking for the forthcoming general elections, It is high time Tanzanians remembered that the destiney of this country lies on our hands. A better Tanzania depends on our decisions we make today. So when it comes to choosing a President, a Member of Parliament and a councillor, remember Mwalimu Nyerere's words he gave on Broadcast to the Nation on 24, October 1970.

Nyerere reminded Tanzanians that "... We need a Parliament and distric councils which are made up of honest and loyal people"

Nyerere continued "...What qualifications are therefore needed? ...what matters very much is character, intelligency honest, and willigness to learn,"

Let us begin with the end in mind, that is to say let us figure out what kind of Tanzania we wish to see in the next five years, ten years and even twenty years from now. Having figured that we will know if we are to realise the Tanzania we envisage to see, what need to be done, and what kind of leaders will take us there.

Use your vote wisely and after a careful thought.

Media Performance in Past Elections- Old post

As we all might know, elections are the foundation stone of any democracy, and the media has a very important role to play on that. Through informing the public about what political parties and their candidates are promising, telling the political parties and candidates what ordinary citizens want, or do not want, and in ensuring that the polls are “free and fair”.

Good election coverage by journalists is that one reported in a non-partisan way, where by journalists suppress their own political views in order to allow the public to make up their minds solely on the basis of what the various candidates are offering.

Basing on this crucial role of the media in promoting the culture of democracy and good governance, journalists needs the necessary support from the media houses they represent and other like minded friends to enable them to play their role efficiently and correctly.

It is very unfortunately that this kind of support has not been forthcoming from some of the media houses they represent. The majority of journalists (about 80%) are freelancers, they are not paid till they file a story and only if that story gets space.

And when they are paid they are paid less the amount incurred to process the story, hence journalists have turned to news sources who can facilitate them in terms of paying for costs incurred in search of the stories

As the President of the Union of Tanzania Press Club (UTPC), I would love to hear objective comments from you guys on how the media has performed in past general elections. Iam eager to hear your comments on this question.
  1. Did the media assist citizens in making an informed decision?
  2. If journalists are to observe ethical standards during election coverage what need to be done?
  3. What is your comments on the saying that "It is not always that knowledge is eaqual to practice". Meaning that, sometimes people behave differently despite the fact they are knowledgeable on the subject matter. E.g most people are aware that if they practice unsafe sex they will contract STIs including HIV, but still some people go on having unsafe sex. Or most journalists know that incentive can affect objectivity but still they go on accepting incentives from sources. 
  4. What should be done to make knowledge align to practice?
Looking forward to hearing from you

Leadership is not a popularity contest - Old post

Going to Ikulu not a popularity contest, Slaa

The Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) presidential candidate Dr Wilbrod Slaa yesterday counseled other presidential hopefuls that going to Ikulu is not a popularity contest, it requires having a clear vision and focusing on it, driving for results, and showing concerns to problems facing the people you are leading.

Dr Slaa made the remarks yesterday in Mbeya city when he was addressing thousands of CHADEMA supporters who attended the climax up of CHADEMA campaigns at Ruanda Nsovwe primary school.

According to Dr Slaa, the country has reached where it is now because of lack of leadership and accountability as many people ascend into power through either nepotism or favour as opposed to merits.

“We have many people in power who found themselves in the post they are holding either because they relate to the bigwigs of this country or to Jakaya Kikwete’s mtandao (Network),” Dr Slaa told the audience at a full packed Ruanda Nsovwe primary schools football pitch.

Citing lack of leadership in the incumbent government Dr Slaa said, the incumbent president is playing double standards particularly on EPA suspects and other suspects booked in the court of law when he stands in public and appeals to people to vote them tomorrow, while he clearly understands and he also understands that Tanzanians understands that those people are facing court charges on corruption and embezzlement of Tanzania tax payers’ money.

“For this country to develop we need a President who is ready to confront reality head on,” Dr Slaa intoned adding that I leave this to you Tanzanians to choose whom you this is seriously willing to bell the cat.

The Sani Abachas of Nigeria, according to Dr Slaa faced the music when the money they rooted from Nigeria and stashed them abroad were frozen by the Nigerian government, Dr Slaa promised that should he be given the mandated to head this country all the stolen money will be returned and procedures on the culprits followed.

He said should his part be entrusted by voters to form the government, CHADEMA will ensure that the rule of law is observed and not people with money to dictate how this country should be run, as is the case now, when with money you can imprison someone as well as with money a hardcore bandit can be acquitted.

“We will give the power to wananchi so that they can hold us to account on what we are doing and what we are supposed to be doing but are not doing,” Dr Slaa said adding that every citizen will be informed and be made capable of holding his leaders to account at all levels of decision making and governance.

Dr Slaa also reiterated his aim of making big changes on the United Republic of Tanzania constitution particularly on presidential powers, engaging citizens on governance of the country and the required number of votes to win the presidency of this country.

Winding up his speech Dr Slaa said his party has intercepted a letter addressed to returning officers in wards, instructing them on how to rig votes and ensure CCM wins.

Dr Slaa said, the content of the letter allegedly signed by Mwanza City Director M W Kabwe, is instructing returning officers at ward level in the city to ensure that they get election clerks who are CCM supporters so that they can rescue the part as the situation both in constituencies and national is not good for the ruling party, so the only solution to ensure that CCM wins is; to eliminate names of most young people who are the ones currently support CHADEMA, delay putting voters names on public/notice boards, having 3-4 ghost voting stations in each ward, delay to announce results, and ensuring that green guards are allowed to fulfill their assigned responsibilities.

However Dr Slaa did not elaborate the responsibilities assigned to CCM’s green guards

On this according to Dr Slaa, they have asked the National Electoral Commission (NEC) Director Rajab Kilavu to disqualify Mr Kabwe from overseeing elections in Mwanza city, as there all signs that he can not be objective/impartial.

“We have communicated with him and we want a response from him by 20.00hrs today (Saturday the 30th of October 2010), if he doesn’t do so we will know what to do,” Dr Slaa told the audience.

He said, Mr Kabwe has failed to deny or agree on whether the signature on the letter is his or not despite efforts to communicate with him by CHADEMA leaders.

Dr Slaa said this trick is obvious going to be used across the country so he appealed to voters to stand vigilant to their votes.

Ends .

Finnal Touches, CHADEMA Camapigns in Mbeya October 31, 2010 - Old post

Finnal touches CCM Rally in Dar- Old post

The big question - Old post

After the polling today we will have the losers and winners, to winners I just want to remind them the famous nsensei and the martial artist black belt award winner paradox in Jim Collins and Jerry I Porras's book Built To Last.

After tough campaigns there are those who are going to be declared winners and obviously we will have the losers if it it happens that two contenders get equal results there will be a repeat then.

But my massage today is to winners, they shouldn't think that after winning the election it time to cerebrate the hard work they undertook in campaigning, Cerebrate Yes, it good to cerebrate for success, but they shouldn't rest on Laure.

Collins and Porras in their book Built to Last reminds us about a martial artist who after years of relentless training the students has finally reached a pinnacle of achievement in the discipline

"Before granting the belt, you must pass one more test," Says the nsensei.

"I am ready," responds the student, expecting perhaps one more final round of sparring.
"You must answer the essential question: What is the true meaning of the black belt?"
"The end of my journey," says the student. " A well deserved reward for all my hard work."
The Nsensei waits for more. Clearly he is not satisfied. Finally the Nsensei speaks. "You are not yet for the black belt. return in one year."
A year later a students kneels again in front of the Nsensei.
"What is the true meaning of the black belt? asks the Nsensei.
"A symbol of distinction and the highest achievement in our art," says the students
The Nsensei says nothing for many minutes, waiting. Clearly he is not satisfied. Finally he speaks "You are still not ready for the black belt, return in one year."
A year later a student kneels once again in front of the Nsensei. And again the nsensei asks: "What is the true meaning of the black belt?"
"The black belt represents the beginning-the start of never-ending journey of discipline, work, and pursuit of an ever-higher standard," says the student.
"Yes you are now ready to receive the black belt and begin your work,"
So my congratulation message to those who will emerge winners after the counting of votes should understand this clearly as Tanzanians are now awake they want to see actions and not words.